January 2024

Dear Librarians:

Your subscription to Mango Languages runs from February 1 to January 31each year. If you wish to start a new subscription you will receive very favorable pricing as Mango Languages offers a sizeable discount to interested GMLC members. Here’s some news from Mango to let you know some of what’s available for your patrons:

  • Mango Market – access to a website dedicated to promoting Mango to your community.Highest rated mobile applications in the language-learning industry.
  • Access to over 100 different language-learning options
  • Access to the MAP (Mango admin portal) – detailed usage statistics & much more!
  • Your own dedicated Account Manager to help make Mango a success!

Your rate is based on the population of your service area.

$336 (Population 0 -2,499)

$598 (Population 2,500 -4,999)

$808.50(Population 5,000 -7,499)

$966 (Population 7,500 - 9,999)

$1,123.50 (Population 10,000 - 14,499)

$1,281 (Population 15,000 - 25,000)

Please submit this form to renew your subscription or become a new subscriber: 


Your Mango representative for new subscribers is Brittney Oliveira. Feel free to contact her with any questions. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Lisa von Kann
GMLC Administrative Coordinator

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