Dec. 14 GMLC Board Meeting


In attendance:

Wendy Hysko, Richard Pritsky, Chris and Lisa von Kann


Treasurer's report - no treasurer, Lisa pulled up budget report and we have money coming in for LUV and VOKAL is ahead of budget expectations.

New LUV logo- Lisa and Kim are looking at ideas

Volunteers - Kat from Burnham and Owen from Rice is interested in coming back.

Chris agrees  to have Kat as counter point back up for SIP and other backend technology with new libraries and changing library needs.

We don’t have distinct volunteer needs that match Owen's skills. We would like to invite Owen back to the GMLC Board as he was a previous valued voice, and he can volunteer as needed if willing to join. Lisa, Wendy, Chris and Richard are very interested in having him re-join us. Kim voted yes remotely. Owen will be invited to join Board! Wendy will touch base with him.

Overdrive training collection - Bread and Roses Too is available in both ebook and audiobook as one copy/one user to use for training as there are multiple copies. Lisa will check with Overdrive about training tools that could be made available that wouldn’t result in a circulation charge to members.

Meeting in person as a Board - Let's plan on this after winter - April Board Montpelier lunch meeting.

Book sets - Mary Danko had interest in VT replicating book discussion set with software used in NH for reserving sets. Expense is $500/year, she believes.  Needs to be coordinated by someone. Chris will touch base with Mary about details and seek out software demo. We could commit to 2 years if it is deemed workable for VT libraries. GMLC would need Mary to seek out volunteer coordinators to assist.