Meeting Minutes

September 9, 2016


Wendy Hysko, Chris Kirby, Owen McDermott, Kim Peine, Richard Pritsky, Lisa von Kann,

Next meeting:

December 9, 2-4 pm
  1. Announcements

No new announcements.

  1. Discussion
  • Treasurer Report:
    • Query bookkeeper on need to do an audit.
    • Bywater paid for VOKAL support.
    • Bill sent to VTLib for 6 months’ storage fees.
    • Budget on track.

  • Delivery System:
    • VTLib working on RFP for DS
    • If VTLib not able to take over DS by January Board votes to continue support but not add any additional libraries. We will query GMM on any additional fees for continuation.
    • Does VTLib still wish to purchase remaining inventory? Lisa will ask Mara.
    • Bin labels are being switched to GMM and causing confusion. To resolve, send message to DS Group to cut off GMM side of label and send labels and sleeves out to libraries to stick to bottom inside of bins. (Kim)
  • LUV:
    • Chris will talk to Todd (OD) on 10/11 @ 2pm on service component and Chris will send PowerPoint out to GMLC Group.
    • Board voted to change the Circulation period on OD from 14 to 21 days. Currently Circ is 14, Out is 3, Requests are 2 and Holds are 5. We will change one at a time to ensure we don’t cause additional issues with holds.
    • Free MARC records were established and the link to download was sent out to the GMLC Group. 5 libraries’ expressed interest in having MARC records.
    • The Board is not interested in other forms of OD content at this time (video, etc.) as it does not appear to be what would appeal to our users.
    • The Board would like to invite Christian from St. Johnsbury to be part of the Collection Development Committee and perhaps take over weeding.
    • The Board voted to order 30K OD bookmarks to be sent out to member libraries for marketing. The DS will be used to distribute them when they arrive. They will be sent to Brownell.
    • OD Curating is a feature that we can do or have OD do, put a message out to GMLC Group to see if anyone has an interest.
    • Have an “air it out” GTM meeting for member libraries to brain storm how to improve OD (carry over from last meeting)

  • NELA Update:
    • Wendy will be representing GMLC at the NELA discussion on Delivery Service October 16th.

  • Bylaws:
    Public meeting law changed. Time to review bylaws to ensure compliance. Last updated in 2010. Review for December meeting.

  • New Board Members:
    • Hold off at this time, develop interview questionnaire for interested parties. Wendy will send out a sample to be reviewed at December meeting.
      Have an “air it out” GTM meeting for member libraries to brain storm how to improve OD

  • VOKAL:
    • Kim, Wendy & Richard will be representing VOKAL at the NE Koha Conference in CT in November at the request of Bywater. The talk will be on running a successful consortium.