August 7, 2015


Wendy Hysko, Chris Kirby, Owen McDermott, Kim Peine, Lisa von Kann, Cindy Weber

Next meeting:

October 2, 2015 @ 2pm via GTM
  1. Announcements

No new announcements.

  1. Discussion
  • Budget:
    On track across all areas. 9K under for 2015 on LUV. 60/40 split for 2016 budget of 72K. 45K e-book and 30K audiobook. LUV bills quarterly at 3K each quarter for 12K a year. VOKAL will carry over excess for developments in progress and new.
  • LUV:
    Verify if we have a LUV contract.
  • Delivery Service:
    Board met with Green Mountain Messenger and toured the facility. All agreed that the company and facility meets the needs of the project. A letter will be sent to VTLib and VLA of our findings.
  • Ben & Jerry’s Grant:

We were awarded a $500 grant for LUV. A thank you will be sent.

  • Tarrant Grant:

We were awarded a $2,500 grant from the Tarrant Foundation to assist with helping libraries get started on LUV. We will discuss this in more detail at the October meeting.

  • Overdrive Advantage Transfers:
    Libraries have the option to transfer titles that they purchased for OA over to GMLC for use. This is a one-time transaction per library. We will discuss this further in October.
  • VLA Board Interaction:

VLA has kindly asked if a GMLC board member would like to attend the VLA meetings. We are very much in favor of more interaction but find that to attend all meetings would be overwhelming. We suggest that VLA visits GMLC once a year and that GMLC visits VLA once a year to keep in better contact.

  • Collection Development Volunteer:
    We have had someone step up and ask to be a part of the LUV Collection Development team. Lisa will check with the current volunteers on where the volunteer would best fit.