In attendance: Stephanie Chase, Judah Hamer & Lucinda Walker
Called to order at 10:15 a.m.
1. Budget update
Judah gave an overview of the current budget. To date, 63 libraries (equaling $38,0000 in fees) have yet to pay their membership dues. The bulk of these membership fees are for ListenUp! VT memberships. Judah will send out another invoice. Libraries that do not pay by the deadline will be charged a late fee.
2. Bylaws review
The deadline for revisions to the bylaws is April 1st. The membership will vote on the revisions at the annual meeting in May. The Board of Directors will increase to 5 members. Lucinda will research director’s insurance.
3. Committee Structures
Discussion focused on the audio book selection committee. The selection committee will be given a quarterly budget to spend on the three main areas: children, new and genre. The amount available will depend on the amount received by member fees.
4. Technical support person – Tabled until a future date.
5. Communication structure
Gmail accounts will be created for technical support questions and treasurer questions. Member libraries are reminded that they should troubleshoot first on the library level then via our technical support emails/numbers. Don’t forget to look at the blog!
6. 2010 Member Survey – Tabled until a future date.
The meeting closed at 11:10 a.m.