In attendance – Mary Danko, Wendy Hysko, Debra Tinkham & Lucinda Walker
Meeting called to order at 11:10 a.m.
1. Membership Update
Twelve new libraries have joined ListenUp! Vermont, bringing our total membership to 148 libraries.
2. SCOOP Purchasing Cooperative
SCOOP, the Maine library purchasing cooperative approached GMLC this fall to see if there was interest in partnering. GMCL has agreed to be a partner. Vendors are invited to submit bids (all SCOOP vendors must offer free shipping.). Partner libraries will meet in April to review the bids (Wendy Hysko will attend this meeting.) Bids will be finalized by 5/1/12. SCOOP sets up a website for member libraries to use. SCOOP uses local vendors whenever possible and GMLC made some VT suggestions. More information about this new benefit will be coming in the spring.
3. ByWater Server Hosting update – tabled until January meeting
4. Budget Update
We are in preliminary talks with OverDrive regarding our next contact. At this time OverDrive is not planning to raise our fees. The Board discussed how to divide the content budget. E-book circulation continues to climb while audio circulation is steady. Member libraries have donated approximately $3500 for additional e-book content. The Board decided to increase the e-book funding by $1,000.
5. 3M Cloud Update
3M is beta testing its new e-book
service. They use a common ILS which currently makes working with GMLC more difficult. The service looks very interesting including the standalone kiosks which enable patrons to directly download content into their e-reader. We are waiting to see what happens with their beta testing.
6. Name Change? – Tabled
7. Adding Privacy Statement to ListenUp! Vermont site.
When patrons download a Kindle title, they are taken away from the LUV site to the Amazon site. There is some concern that our VT library patrons are not aware of the extent of Amazon’s data mining. Lucinda will craft a privacy statement that can be added to the LUV site to make users more aware.
8. 2012 Meeting schedule – the Board will continue to meet the third Friday every other month.
9. VOKAl Update
The VOKAL implementation team has decided to cap VOKAL membership to 40 libraries for the next ByWater contract period. As of 1/1/12, VOKAL will have 30 libraries. This cap will allow the implementation team to focus on issues concerning the catalog.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 PM.