Via GoToMeeting – the meeting was called to order at 3:05PM
In attendance: Wendy Hysko, Chris Kirby, Owen McDermott, Debra Tinkham, Lucinda Walker
Election of New Officers – Officer terms end January 2014
Co-Chairs of the GMLC Board of Directors – Wendy Hysko & Chris Kirby
Treasurer – Lucinda Walker
Secretary – Debra Tinkham
New Board Member
With the resignation of both Judy Russell (moved to Converse Free Library in NH) and Mary Danko (moved to Sunapee Library in NH) the Board elected Kim Peine to the Board of Directors. She will fulfill Judy Russell’s term (2016).
Executive Director Hired
Lisa Von Kann has been hired to be the Executive Director of GMLC. This is a one year contract from 3/1/13- 3/1/14. We are all very happy to have Lisa aboard. She will be meeting with Diane Dupre, GMLC’s bookkeeper on March 28th.
ListenUP! Vermont Update
Lyndsey Runyan is the ‘new’ LUV coordinator. She is also handling uploading MARC records (thank you Lyndsey!) Lyndsey can be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Hannah Peacock is the new selector for Children’s materials.
Mango Update
Chris and Lucinda created a renewal/enrollment form and emailed them to all GMLC libraries in late January. Currently there are 21 libraries participating.
VOKAL Update
Wendy reported that the VOKAL Executive Group decided to close membership for the time being. Energy and time will be spent on cleaning up the catalog and system. Kim and Richard are planning to attend VTLIB’s Catamount meetings.
Other Business
- Lucinda re-subscribed to GoToMeeting via TechSoup for another year.
- Lisa Von Kann will contact the VLC planning group to reserve a space/time for our annual GMLC meeting (May 21, 2013)
The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 PM.
The next GMLC Board of Director’s meeting is: Friday, April 26 at 3:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Lucinda H. Walker